Good Oak News

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

We're Hiring: Sustainble Landscaping Manager, Technician and Interns!

UPDATE: We've extended the application deadline for the Sustainable Landscaper and Technician position to March 6th. We've been busy with the Garden Expo and brush clearing, thus haven't found time until late in the process to really get this announcement out 'in the wild' sufficiently.

We're looking to fill a few positions here at Good Oak.

For the Sustainable Landscaping Manager we need someone with a strong background in horticulture and landscaping, knowledge of native plants is less important since existing staff already have that skill... but boy will you be getting a lesson.

Speaking of lessons, our spring and summer internships are open as well, we're looking for college students that want to learn a lot about native plants, ecological restoration and sustainable landscaping. Our spring internship starts in early-March, and applications are due soon, so don't wait!

UPDATE: We're now also looking for an additional Ecological Restoration and Sustainable Landscaping Technician to join our team. And hey, why not, if you've got the skills, please apply for our Ecological Restoration Manager position, but please, only if you meet the minimum requirements.

Find out more at our new Employment page.

Our team after a fall hardscaping and native planting project.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Handouts for Garden Expo Presentations

Here are handouts from Frank's Garden Expo presentation in case you missed them, plus some bonus material. Thanks for attending!

Handouts from Restoring Your Woodland to Health

For more information, see Good Oak's Woodland Restoration page.

Handouts from Save the Monarchs!

For more information, see Good Oak's Save the Monarchs! page.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Come See Us at the Wisconsin Garden Expo!

Good Oak will again be attending the Wisconsin Garden Expo, this weekend, February 13th - 15th. As usual, we'll have a booth where we'll be selling items from our Sustainable Garden Center and talking to folks about our landscaping and ecological restoration services.

Frank will be giving two presentations this year:
  • Bright and early at 9:15 on Saturday he will be speaking about "Restoring Your Woodland to Health" in the Waubesa/Kegonsa room.
  • Sunday afternoon at 2:15 the topic will be "Save the Monarchs!" in the Mendota 4 room.
Hope to see you there!

